Green Oak Systems standard consulting rate for professional services is $ 180 /hour. However, for our preferred partners, we offer the following discounted hourly rates, with an increasing discount for longer term contracts:
41 to 240 hours (6 weeks) …………………$ 150 / hour
241 to 960 hours (6 months)……………..$ 120 / hour (20 % discount)
961 to 1920 hours (1 year)………………….$ 95 / hour (33 % discount)
1921 hours + (over 1 year)………………….$ 75 / hour (50 % discount)
Travel and Expenses: Up to four hours of travel each week during normal business hours may be included at no charge. Above four hours, as well as any travel required outside normal business hours, is billable at 50% of consulting rate. Travel and living expenses (actual and reasonable) will be billed with receipts and an expense report. Alternatively, a fixed Travel and Living (T&L) fee (based on estimated travel expenses) may be arranged provided the dates, location, and duration of services are defined well in advance. Fixed price engagements are available as well. This provides clients with better budgetary planning for consulting costs in advance, whilst offering guaranteed deliverables. In many cases, fixed price engagements are actually lower total cost to the client than hourly time and expenses.